The Finish that starts The Beginning
We get restless. When we are almost there, we want to be there. We can taste it, see it, feel it and we want it. Paul said to not give up the race but to finish strong. You are almost at the finish line. Who would tell you to stop running? Don’t give up. Finish this last leg of the race with pride. Don’t give up your prize. Be encouraged. Have hope. The end is near. The finish line is at hand. God’s perfect will is being realized and implemented. When we get close to the finish, I think the enemy comes in to sow dissention in ourselves to make us give up at the last minute. It is God’s will that you are following. You do have the strength to finish. His will shall be done. Don’t discourage. Don’t despair.
He who trusts in the Lord shall not be disappointed.
Sometimes all we have left is hope. And it aches but it won't come back empty if the hope is in God.
Reminds me of the last mile of the marathon. Good thing to keep in mind! Blessings.
This is how I've seen the world since I hooked up with Christ--the hopeful vs. the hopeless. And yes I mean the hopeful in Christ. It's like I am wearing these special glasses and I can see what's bothering the hopeless but I cannot always get their attention.
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